WS 2013/14 - Seminar: Computer Vision: Object and People Tracking

Organization and Registration

The master seminar can be performed throughout the semester. Please email to Gabriele.Bleser(at) A suitable topic and supervisor (from the Augmented Vision Lab) will be found within a first meeting scheduled at the beginning of the semester.

Kickoff meeting: October 24, 2-4 pm, room 1.04 at DFKI


Dr. Gabriele Bleser: Gabriele.Bleser(at) 

Prof. Dr. Didier Stricker

Required knowledge:

The seminar is based on the knowledge taught in the lecture Computer Vision: Object and People Tracking.


Selected topics from the field of Computer Vision and Tracking, e.g.:

  • Marker-less object detection, recognition and tracking in video sequences
  • Multi-target tracking
  • Marker-less human body tracking in video sequences
  • Current applications and trends
  • Etc.


Educational objectives:

Ability to

  • become acquainted with a specific topic from the field of Computer Vision and Tracking and review scientific articles
  • prepare and give a comprehensive presentation of a specific topic supported by media
  • discuss a scientific topic


Final examination:

  • Short presentation (20 minutes + 5 minutes questions) and discussion round (attendance is obligatory for all presentations).
  • Written survey paper, 5-8 pages, to be submitted at the day of presentation. The paper should introduce the topic, describe the studied approach and discuss it, e.g. what are advantages/disadvantages, what are the requirements, under which conditions are good/bad results to be expected, what could be extensions/improvements, etc.
  • For both, presentation and written paper, please use the provided templates.


Earlier proceedings: